2018.09 至今:任职于 北京理工大学 信息与电子体球网
2017.02-2018.07:任职于 加拿大Simon Fraser University 计算科学体球网 博士后
2013.10-2017.01:就读于 Paris-Sud University 计算机科学与技术专业 博士
2010.09-2013.07:就读于 重庆邮电大学 通信与信息系统专业 硕士
2006.09-2010.07:就读于 重庆邮电大学 通信工程专业 本科
N.Ye, J. An, Jihong Yu*. “Deep Learning-Enhanced NOMA Transceiver Design for Massive MTC: Challenges, State-of-the-Art, and Future Directions”, to be appeared in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (中科院一区).
N. Ye, Jihong Yu*, A. Wang, R. Zhang. “Help from Space: Grant-free Massive Access for Satellite-based IoT in the 6G Era”, to be appeared in Digital Communications and Networks. (中科院一区).
Jihong* Yu, P. Zhang, L. Chen, J. Liu, R. Zhang, K. Wang, J. An. “Stabilizing Frame Slotted Aloha Based IoT Systems: A Geometric Ergodicity Perspective”, IEEE JSAC, 39(3):714-725, 2021.(CCF A类,中科院一区)
Jihong Yu*, W. Gong, J. Liu, L. Chen, K. Wang, R. Zhang. “Missing Tag Identification in COTS RFID Systems: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice”, IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, 19(1): 130-141, 2020. (CCF A类,ESI高被引论文)
Jihong Yu*, J. Liu, R. Zhang, L. Chen, W. Gong, S. Zhang. “Multi-Seed Group Labeling in RFID Systems”, IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, 19(12): 2850-2862, 2020. (CCF A类)
Jihong Yu, W. Gong, J. Liu, L. Chen, K. Wang. “On Efficient Tree-based Tag Search in Large-Scale RFID Systems”, IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, 27(1): 42-55, 2019. (CCF A类)
Jihong Yu*, L. Chen, R. Zhang, K. Wang. “On Missing Tag Detection in Multiple-group Multiple-region RFID systems”, IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, 16(5): 1462-1474, 2016. (CCF A类)
Jihong Yu*, L. Chen. “Stability Analysis of Frame Slotted Aloha Protocol”, IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, 16(5): 1462-1474, 2016. (CCF A类)
Jihong Yu, W. Gong, J. Liu, L. Chen. “Fast and Reliable Tag Search in Large-Scale RFID Systems: A Probabilistic Tree-based Approach”, IEEE INFOCOM 2018. (CCF A类)
Jihong Yu, L. Chen, R. Zhang, K. Wang. “Finding Needles in a Haystack: Missing Tag Detection in Large RFID Systems”, IEEE Trans. Communications, 66(5): 2036-2047, 2017.(中科院一区)
Jihong Yu, L. Chen, R. Zhang, K. Wang. “From Static to Dynamic Tag Population Estimation: An Extended Kalman Filter Perspective”, IEEE Trans. Communications, 64(11): 4707-4719, 2016.(中科院一区)
K. Wang, L. Chen, Jihong Yu*. “On Optimality of Myopic Policy in Multi-Channel Opportunistic Access”, IEEE Trans. Communications, 65(2): 677-690, 2017.(中科院一区)
K. Wang, Jihong Yu*, L. Chen, M. Win. “Opportunistic Scheduling Revisited Using Restless Bandits: Indexability and Index Policy”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, 18 (10): 4997-5010, 2019.(中科院一区)
H. Liu, R. Zhang, L. Chen, Jihong Yu*, J. Liu, J. An. “On Fast and Reliable Missing Event Detection Protocol for Multi-Tagged RFID Systems”, IEEE IoT-Journal, 7(10): 10324-10335, 2020.(中科院一区)
R. Zhang, A. Nayak, Jihong Yu*. “Sleeping Scheduling in Energy Harvesting WBANs”, IEEE Communications Magazine, 57(2): 95-101, 2019.(中科院一区)
1. IEEE GLOBECOM最佳论文奖,2020
2. 优秀科技工作者,中国电子学会,2021
3. 青年人才托举工程,中国科协,2019
1. 工信部电子信息行指委委员
2. 中国电子学会空间电子学分会副秘书长
3. IEEE IoT Journal编委(中科院一区,影响因子9.9)
4. Elsevier Computer Communications编委(影响因子2.8)
5. 中国物联网学报编委
6. IEEE ICNC 2019无线自组网与传感网分会主席
7. IEEE/CIC ICCC 2020物联网分会主席