2011 至今:任职于 北京理工大学 信息与电子体球网 博士生导师
2004-2011:任职于 新加坡资讯通信研究院 高级研究员
2002-2004:任职于 新加坡国立大学 计算机系 研究员
1999-2002:就读于 新加坡南洋理工大学 图像处理专业 博士
1995-1999:任职于 北京控制仪器研究所 整体部 工程师
1993-1995:就读于 哈尔滨工业大学 自动控制专业 硕士
1989-1993:就读于 哈尔滨工业大学 自动控制专业 本科
? Anomaly detection for medical images using self-supervised and translation-consistent features,IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2021(SCI一区)
? Convolutional neural networks based lung nodule classification: a surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm for hyperparameter optimization,IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation(SCI一区), 2021
? One-Shot Neural Architecture Search: Maximising Diversity to Overcome Catastrophic Forgetting, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (SCI 一区), 2021
? Automatic Cataract Classification Using Deep Neural Network with Discrete State Transition,39(2): 436-446,IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging(SCI 一区), 2020
? Hierarchical method for cataract grading based on retinal images using improved Haar wavelet,Information Fusion(SCI 一区),53:196-208,2020
? Improving retinal vessel segmentation with joint local loss by matting,Pattern Recognition(SCI 二区),98:107068,2020
? Retinal image enhancement using low-pass filtering and α-rooting,Signal Processing(SCI 二区),170: 107445,2020
? Retinal vascular junction detection and classification via deep neural networks,Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine(SCI 二区),183:105096,2020
? Automatic detection of parapapillary atrophy and its association with children myopia,Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine(SCI 二区),183:105090,2020
? Supervised Segmentation of Un-Annotated Retinal Fundus Images by Synthesis,IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging(SCI 一区),38(1):46-56, 2019
? A Reference Direction and Entropy based Evolutionary Algorithm for Many-Objective Optimization,Applied Soft Computing(SCI 二区), 70:108-130,2018
? Synthesizing Retinal and Neuronal Images with Generative Adversarial Nets, Medical Image Analysis(SCI 一区),49: 14-26,2018
? Automated Segmentation of Overlapped Nuclei Using Concave Point Detection and Ellipse Fitting,Pattern Recognition(SCI 二区),71:349-360,2017
? Differentiable Neural Architecture Search in Equivalent Space with Exploration Enhancement,The Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS, CCF A类会议),2020
? Overcoming Multi-Model For-getting in One-Shot NAS with Diversity Maximization,IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, CCF A类会议),2020
? One-Shot Neural Architecture Search via Novelty Driven Sampling,International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI, CCF A类会议), 2020
? High dimensional Bayesian optimization via supervised dimension reduction, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI, CCF A类会议), 2019
? Data-Driven Enhancement of Blurry Retinal Images via Generative Adversarial Networks, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI, 医学图像顶级会议), 2019
? 基于拓扑结构和图谱的衡量视网膜血管网络相似性的方法,CN110853020B, 2021
? 一种基于灰度变化的径向线视盘萎缩弧分割方法, CN108492285B ,2021
? 一种基于生成对抗网络的:油ぱ鄣淄枷裨銮糠椒,CN110264424A, 2020
? 一种基于轮廓特征的X线片和彩色照片配准方法,CN107240128B,2020
? 一种基于成像模型的彩色眼底图的图像增强方法,CN106558031,2018
? 一种基于色选机的物料分类方法,CN106975617B,2018
北京理工大学“师缘.北理”教师表彰大会教书育人类表彰 2020
北京理工大学优秀博士学位论文指导老师 2020
中国电子学会优秀硕士论文指导老师 2019
北京市普通高校优秀本科毕业设计指导老师 2019
北京理工大学优秀硕士学位论文指导老师 2015, 2018-2020
第十一届工业电子学与应用国际会议(ICIEA) 最佳论文奖 2016
北京理工大学“杰出中青年教师发展支持计划”入选者 2011
教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者 2011
IEEE高级会员,中国医药教育协会智能医学专业委员会智能眼科学组常委,电子学会青年科学家俱乐部成员,中国人工智能学会智慧医疗专委会委员,担任多个国际期刊、会议及科技项目的评审人,IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications、International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing国际会议技术委员会成员。